Our shop has relocated to 352 Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick VIC 3185. Please Note that some flowers are seasonal and substitution may occur without notice. This is done with attention and care to insure your flower arrangement is delivered in a timely manner.

Lilies bouquet
brighton florists just lilies from $40 - 03
brighton florists just lilies from $40 - 02
brighton florists just lilies from $40 - 01

Lilies bouquet

Regular price $35.00 Sale

We have carefully kept the most beautiful lilies in the form of buds so that the recipient can put them in water and enjoy them for an extended period.

Oriental lilies are one of the highest quality in both appearance and fragrance.

We would appreciate it if you would let us know in a note if you strongly prefer the colour white or pink.